Plans & Publications

The City of White Bear Lake maintains a variety of plans and publications. For more, search the City's published documents and forms.

2024 Spring Summer Cover

The City of White Bear Lake mails newsletters to residents and businesses in the spring and fall to provide information related to City programs, resources and services that are available. Click for the current and past issues.

Picture of Historic 4th Street

For over 125 years, the City of White Bear Lake has built, maintained, replaced and expanded a vast array of public improvements designed to improve the quality of life for its citizens and visitors. From early roadways and boardwalks, water and sanitary sewer systems, parks and public buildings to today’s water treatment plants, marinas, street lighting, traffic signals, trails and storm water treatment systems, the City has a tremendous investment in its public infrastructure.

2040 Future Land Use Map
What is the Comprehensive Plan?

Cities evolve and long-term plans are needed to help guide their future.  In local governments, comprehensive plans guide development and redevelopment, and address changes likely to occur due to social and market forces.

wbl seal

What is strategic planning? Simply put, strategic planning evaluates how and organization is presently doing and determines where it is going and how it is going to get there.


The process and organizational time commitment to complete a strategic planning process is significant. It is also time very well spent. It starts with establishing a shared vision and strategies to guide the organization and City toward that vision. With an established vision, long-term strategies and objectives are then defined. Which, in return, allows decision-makers and staff to implement short-term goals and day-to-day tasks with an understanding of the destination and purpose and clarity throughout the organization.


The White Bear Lake City Council and Staff Leadership Team convene annually to analyze progress made towards the shared vision and biannually to review and update the Strategic Plan.

Surface Water Management Plan Cover

The City's Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP) identifies goals and policies concerning the implementation of water resource activities within the City. The plan fulfills the requirements of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Met Council, and local watershed organizations.